Norms Conference

4 Small Business Security Solutions That Let You Sleep At Night

Small businesses need to protect themselves from thieves in the digital and physical world. Hackers can cause damage to a company’s hard-earned reputation, while physical theft can result in the loss of valuable equipment, customer information and can decrease employee morale. By taking the necessary precautions to protect your company, you can reduce the likelihood of your company becoming prey for thieves.

Defending Your Computer Network

Defending your computer network is a 24 hour job that requires somebody to be on alert at all times. Since most small businesses can’t afford to spend money on a round-the-clock system, there are other steps you can take to protect your network. Make sure your firewalls are configured correctly to create barriers between sensitive and non-sensitive data. Hiring a service that sets up and continuously monitors your systems is one way to protect your data without the need to hire additional IT administrators.

Limit Employee Access

Employee access to computer documents can leave your company open to internal theft. Preventing the use of removable storage devices at work can help keep company secrets at the office. Using a virtual workspace instead of letting users store data locally can also help prevent data theft. Additionally, avoid storing user permissions locally, so that employees can’t adjust the read and write permissions for sensitive data.

Complete Security Systems

Setting an alarm and locking the doors to your company isn’t enough to protect your company’s assets. Hire an independent company to ensure that all contact points are covered, and to install an impenetrable security system. Arpel Security Systems notes the importance of hiring an experienced company to conduct your security audit. Since no two companies function in the same way, it’s important to avoid off-the-shelf security applications that don’t address your company’s unique security system.

Social Engineering Training

One of the simplest and most effective ways for a data breach to occur is through your own employees’ unwitting cooperation. Thieves can take advantage of the human element to gradually obtain information about your security protocols. Criminals may attempt to become familiar to your employees, while pretending to work in some other department. When the employee becomes comfortable with the person, they may attempt to tailgate into secure areas following closely behind your employee. Another technique used is feigning anger with another person. This usually occurs over the phone, or with an accomplice. Most people won’t interfere in an argument, which leaves the criminals free to bypass security and other checks. Hold regular meetings to keep your employees aware of potential social engineering scams.

Protecting your business saves you money and can protect your company from a variety of scams. When implementing a security solution, make sure to do your research. Work only with reliable companies that provide a clear and focused directive that clearly outlines how they can help your company stay secure.

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