Norms Conference

5 Myths About Workplace Rights

There have been laws put in place in order to ensure that workers are treated fairly by their employers. However, you may have heard some things about workplace rights that are not true. Below are five myths about workplace rights:

Myth 1: Your Employer Cannot Ask You About How Many Children You Have, Your Religion, Marital Status Or National Origin

Fact: It is not illegal to ask any of those questions in most states. However, it is illegal for employees to discriminate against someone because of the answers they provide to those questions. That is why many employers will not ask those questions when they are interviewing people. Firms like Gittens & Associates have assisted people who have been unfairly discriminated against in the workplace.

Myth 2: Your Employer Has To Provide You With A Break During Your Workday

Fact: Although employers typically give their employees a break, this is not required by law in most states. However, some places require that employees be given a 30 minute break if they work a six hour shift or longer.

Myth 3: You Have To Be Provided Paid Time Off By Your Employer

Fact: Many full-time employees get paid vacation and sick time. However, this is not required by law in the majority of states. Many employers offer paid sick time and vacation because those benefits are attractive to potential employees.

Myth 4: You Cannot Be Required To Attend Work-Related Events Outside Of Your Normal Working Hours

Fact: There is no law against this. You could be required to a meeting, training or party even if it is outside your normal working hours. People who do not attend could be fired. Fortunately, you will have to be paid for the time that you attend a work-related function if you are a non-exempt employee.

Myth 5: Your Boss Has to Give You an Advance Warning before Firing You

Fact: Your employer does not have to give you a warning in advance for firing you. They can also fire you for any reason they want except for one of the following, marital status, disability, religion, sex or nationality. However, many companies will implement disciplinary procedures before they decide to fire someone.

There are a lot of misconception about rights in the American workplace. Many people believe they have more rights than they actually have. That is why it is important to understand all of your rights before you take on a new job.

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