Norms Conference

Concept Store: How To Launch It

Concept Store: How To Launch It

Concept stores are modern promoters of a unique lifestyle. They put forward a carefully chosen selection of products, all connected to one, dominant theme. Products from different brands and designers are handpicked and pulled together, spanning from different lines – beauty, travel, fashion or homeware.

These types of stores bring benefits to both buyers and retailers. The customers get a unique experience all under one roof and the retailers gain a lot from building their own community around a lifestyle they sell. If you’re looking into launching a concept store, here are several ideas to bear in mind.

Sourcing the brands

In order to source the brands you desire for your concept store, you need to do serious research. You should have a clear idea and a specific concept in mind so you can look for brands that complement each other but also correspond to your underlying idea. As the store focuses on one consistent theme, for example, travel, all brands and items should serve that purpose. You need to fish for products and brands which can mix in such a way that it reflects your version of the theme of travel, for instance. Also, offer a range of products for customers to choose from, since tastes vary from one person to another.

Sourcing brands is an ongoing process of discovery and learning. You pick what you like as you go, forge relationships and establish collaborations. Your goal should be to keep the interest up and keep adding things that are relevant, interesting, intriguing and funny.

Placing the brands

Positioning the brands in the store is a very important aspect of the concept since there is no specific place reserved for a particular brand. The overall point is to have various sections that form a unity. There are many different ways of displaying goods, especially if you’re not aiming at having a typical concession store. If you’re struggling with producing a unique presentation and design, consider consulting professional designers to help you out with brilliant and innovative designs.

Store design

Surely, a big issue here is tackling the design of your concept store so that it successfully encompasses various brands. Invest your time in research and consult an interior designer on how to best realize the concept and needs of your project. Each brand you cooperate with can also greatly contribute to the different parts of the organisation, but what is imperative is your ability to curate and manage all those brands together.

One of the main goals of the store design is to attract customers and with so many brands already out there on the market, it takes a bold and creative approach to have an advantage over the rest. Depending on what you’re aiming for, you can go with a contemporary and minimalistic design in order to emphasise the power of the product or you can use the power of details. For example, you can opt for a few pieces from the DecoRug’s selection of designer rugs to stage a homey atmosphere so the customers get a feeling of a warm, inviting space. Whatever you choose, it’s all about cultivating the experience you want your customers to have.

Overcoming challenges

Like any other retail project, launching a concept store doesn’t come without certain challenges. Speaking of organisation, you need to cover a lot of areas before you start and solve many practical issues once you open for business.

Good management is the key. One of your main challenges will be managing a bigger team of individuals, but in addition to that, you will also need to manage the expectations of a dozen brands you sell. The best advice is to make an effort to stay on top of things at all times. There are different managing platforms available that can help you update the brands regularly, handle any requests or complaints or any other needs during the project.

In the end, the success lies in good planning and organisation. Make plans well in advance, be picky who you work with, have good organisation and try to enjoy the whole process, since after all, you are selling a lifestyle.

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