Norms Conference

How To Make Your Office Manager’s Life Easier In 2019

Maintenance Tasks That Every Senior Manager Should Keep In Mind

For a few minutes, imagine what it’s like for your office manager, leading your staff each day. Envision the glitches that arise and the skills required to handle them. Placing yourself in your boss’ shoes, what type of employee would you choose?

Here we explore ways to help your boss do their job. Why should you care? Be assured, you’ll benefit too, in ways that may surprise you!

Understand your Manager’s Priorities

To whom is your boss accountable, and what services are they expected to render? You’ll be a better asset to your boss by knowing their goals. For instance, are they tasked with reaching monthly quotas? Do they have to submit a weekly productivity report?

If you don’t know your manager’s objectives, ask to meet and discuss them. Learn what your boss considers vital to getting their job done. Also, clarify your supportive role. Once you understand the weight your boss carries, look for ways to reduce that load.

There may be times when your manager’s agendas don’t mesh with yours. If that occurs, try to be flexible, with a can-do attitude. For example, you may be asked to meet pressing needs beyond your job description, such as pinch-hitting for a co-worker on maternity leave.

Even if you’re feeling resistance, try to cheerfully shift gears. By doing so, you’ll strengthen the relationship with your boss, deepening their regard for you. Moreover, they might express their appreciation in the form of a bonus, special privilege, or glowing performance appraisal.

Match your Boss’ Communication Style

Ask your supervisor how they like to connect and honor that method. Do they have a preference, such as by email, phone, or in-person? Also, ask how often you should update your boss on work status. Should progress reports be detailed or brief?

With all your manager’s responsibilities, you can help by being their eyes and ears. Stay alert for situations needing their intervention that might escape their awareness.

For instance, if you hear a riled client threatening to accost senior staff, promptly flag your boss. Or, let’s say, while eating lunch with your co-workers, you find they resent your boss for something that’s easily remedied. Rather than ignoring these dilemmas, advise your manager. Your timely communication may avert major upheavals.

Also, should a personal grievance arise with your boss, don’t let it fester. In particular, avoid discussing the issue with your peers. Instead, ask to speak privately with your boss. Then, respectfully voice the problem, aiming to resolve it. You’ll emerge from the meeting feeling lighter, free of emotional weight that will otherwise mar your relationship.

Be Enterprising

Some employees plod through their workdays, expending minimal effort. Ugh, what drudgery. Instead, be industrious, and you’ll find work exciting! Look for ways to advance your boss and the company, such as increasing client satisfaction, streamlining workflow, or raising employee morale.

What’s the secret to being enterprising? Approach your job with passion and enthusiasm! Then, you’ll naturally have an eye for helpful opportunities. However, while going the extra mile, don’t neglect the tasks entrusted to you. Here are some examples of creative problem-solving.

Here are insightful tips and more examples of taking initiative.

Be a Valued Team Player

Managers prize employees that work well together. A spirit of camaraderie eases workloads. Teamwork unites differing viewpoints and gives birth to new ideas. It also cultivates an atmosphere of goodwill and trust.

When employees are unified in meeting corporate goals, their company flourishes. Here are team player attributes and how you can embody them.

Respectful – Understanding that each person has a unique work style, you flow with the differences. Realizing that gossip is hurtful and betraying, your lips are sealed against berating anyone.

Reliable – Co-workers can depend on you to be punctual in meeting deadlines. They know your work is always high quality. You have integrity, staying true to your word. When you pledge to do something, you follow through.

Adaptable – When aspects of work don’t go as planned, you’re flexible in making adjustments, without grumbling.

Receptive – You’re a caring listener, attentive and open-minded to others’ perspectives. As a result, your peers feel comfortable sharing their ideas.

Complimentary – Secure in your self-worth, you readily applaud others’ talents and skills.

Humble – If you make a mistake, you quickly apologize. You welcome learning from your peers. Even if you play a major role in team achievements, you share the credit with your co-workers.

Agreeable – When interacting with fellow staff, you aim to stay cheerful and easygoing. If your suggestions aren’t well-received, you’re willing to compromise or concede. You graciously accept the consensus of your peers.

Collaborative – By openly sharing information, you keep your team apprised of developments. Rather than being competitive, you’re cooperative, looking for ways to help your peers achieve team goals.

One way to encourage solidarity is honoring staff birthdays. Celebrate each occasion with a greeting card, cake, and gift. Here are additional tips for being a treasured team player.

Have a Keen Eye for Detail

Being meticulous yields quality work, prevents mistakes, averts waste, and maximizes positive outcomes. When you’re detail-minded, it shows you care about assignments, endeavoring to be accurate.

Examples of attentiveness are prioritizing tasks, adhering to instructions, using checklists, proofreading documents, and double-checking calculations. Before submitting work, review it thoroughly. Your boss will appreciate your taking the time to be precise.

With consistently strong performance, you’ll earn your boss’ confidence and trust. Your commendable track record can make you eligible for higher-level responsibilities, bonuses, and promotion.

Be Personable with Your Boss
Even if your boss is reserved or standoffish, try getting to know them as an individual. After the weekend or time off, ask how your manager spent it. Hobbies and pets are great topics of conversation if your boss has them. You may even connect over a favorite sport, exercise, or leisure activity.

Ask your manager if they have children, and if so, their ages and interests. If your boss mentions upcoming birthdays, note them on your calendar. Then, buy greeting cards or token gifts in commemoration.

By sharing meaningful talks with your boss, you’ll develop a close-knit bond. Plus, discussing your lives beyond the office helps to keep job challenges in perspective.

Act as your Manager’s Ambassador

Frequently, in fast-paced and large corporations, office managers are unsung heroes. Although they may excel in leadership, their skills and talents go unrecognized.

To counteract this unfortunate trend, look for opportunities to promote your boss’ reputation. For instance, in the presence of senior staff, speak highly of your supervisor. Mention examples of their ingenious problem-solving.

During conversations with co-workers, share what you love about your boss. Perhaps your manager is compassionate, patient, supportive, and fair. Maybe you admire their boldness.

You might even write a letter of appreciation and send it to your boss’ supervisor. A most flattering way to extol your boss is praising them before fellow staff.

For example, at your next team meeting, you might publicly thank your boss for being such a fabulous leader. Cite the reasons why your staff holds them in high esteem. Although your boss may blush or feel awkward, inwardly their heart will brim with joy.


When you commit to helping your manager, your supportive role has greater meaning and purpose. To make your boss’ job easier, align yourself with their priorities. Use their preferred form of communication, giving updates at the frequency they desire.

Be enterprising and creative, looking for ways to boost company success. Additionally, try to foster a friendly office culture. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone loved coming to work?

As a valued team player, you’ll gain the favor of your boss. Your manager will also appreciate your being meticulous with assignments.

Still, don’t get too serious. Take time for casual conversations with your boss, learning what they value and enjoy outside the office. Lastly, be your manager’s ambassador, advancing their reputation with your company.

By serving your boss with excellence, your skills will become polished and refined. In the process, new talents may emerge, abilities of which you were unaware. You may even receive special kudos, such as bonuses, privileges, and promotion. Be devoted to your boss, and you’ll reap big-time!

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