Norms Conference

How To Survive A Long Business Trip Without Losing Your Mind

How To Survive A Long Business Trip Without Losing Your Mind

The days when flying was a glamorous way to travel are long gone. Now long flights, delays, and layovers can make long-distance business trips seem more like a chore than a convenience. However, it is possible to survive a long flight without losing your sanity by following the suggestions below.

Line Up Entertainment

Be sure to bring along books, electronic devices, games, or anything else you may need to stay distracted during a long flight. Charge up all of your devices beforehand. While some planes have seatback entertainment systems, others are distributing movies and TV shows from their wireless systems to your personal devices. Be sure to download the app for your airline to your preferred device prior to boarding in case this is true for your flight.

Choose the Right Seat

Window seats are best for sleeping, but they may also limit your movements more. With an aisle seat, you can get up and stretch your legs as needed, visit the bathroom, and go back to the galley to ask flight attendants for water or food if needed. You might be better off with an aisle seat that allows you to move around freely and a U-shaped travel pillow that wraps around your neck and allows you to sleep in some comfort.

Aim for Physical Comfort

Ask the airline about an exit seat. You might have to pay a small surcharge, but the extra space for stretching your legs can make a huge difference. Stay hydrated. You can buy a large bottle of water once you have passed through security. Ask flight attendants for water as often as you need it. You might also want to consider eschewing the airplane food and picking up something healthy to carry on after clearing security as well. Conventional wisdom says to avoid alcohol while flying, but one drink may help you relax. Earplugs and an eye mask can help shut out the sights and sounds of travel. If you have a layover of more than a few hours, consider an airport hotel that will allow you to get a few hours of shut-eye in a real bed.

Book Airplane Taxi Services

Your trip will be less stressful if you have less to think about. An airport taxi can save on parking at one end and can release you from the hassle of figuring out how to get to your destination at the other. Contact a cab service like Yellow Cab so that you can have a relaxing ride waiting to pick you up.

Long-haul flights are never relaxing experiences, and you will probably arrive at your final destination feeling a little worn out. However, with some advance preparation, you can survive to fly another day with your sanity intact.

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