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Is It Time To Move To A Larger Office Space?

Is It Time To Move To A Larger Office Space?

Running a small company is great, but if you’re doing a good job, your business will start growing and you’ll soon need more people and a bigger office space. Being in charge of a medium-sized business comes with a number of important decisions, and finding larger office space is just the first of many. If you’re still unsure whether you need to do so or not, here are a few considerations that might help you make the decision.

Desk space

Too many people means too many desks and literally no maneuvering space between them. Cramming lots of desks in a tiny space will kill all the joy and productivity of your employees, especially if they’re forced to share their desks with another person.

Moreover, this also creates unnecessary mess and frustration that turn your office into a noisy and uncomfortable place nobody really likes. Keep in mind that there are certain requirements for all office spaces and if you’re unable to meet them, you’ll simply have to move to a bigger space as soon as possible. Also, if there’s no place for additional items as indoor plants, that yet another sign it’s high time to start packing.

Overbooked meeting rooms

The lack of space isn’t a problem just in offices, but in meeting rooms as well – if too many people want to use them at the same time, you’ll have a big problem. And coming up with a viable schedule isn’t always an option.

Therefore, if you have a need for gathering a large number of people at the same place at once, you can’t function in office space with no meeting rooms. You could hold your morning briefings in the hallway, of course, but that’s not something a respectable company should do.

Storage space

Again, too many people also means too many documents, binders and folders scattered all over the office. Furthermore, when you introduce stationary and computer equipment into the mix, you get a mess that kills all creativity and inspiration.

Cleaning and decluttering your office every once in a while is therefore essential, but it’s only the first step. You need to get rid of all your unnecessary things before you move your business to new premises, and only then settle everything else in, but you can’t do this on your own. That’s why more and more businesses in Sydney contact these Northern Beaches removalists, who can relocate your equipment in a quick, efficient and, most importantly, careful way, so none of your things is damaged in the move.

Constantly occupied toilets

This might not seem like the most important thing in the world, but don’t forget that your employees need certain privileges and being able to use toilet whenever they feel like it is definitely one of them. If you too are stuck in a small office space, you’re probably facing a problem with your toilets as well.

So, as soon as you start noticing a long queue in front of the toilets every single day, start looking for a bigger space! There are a couple of other solutions you might consider – refurbishing the space, creating more stalls and opting for portable toilets – but none of these is good enough in the long run, especially if you’re trying to follow strict rules for toilet facilities.

If none of these problems is enough to encourage you to move to a larger office space, here’s another reason: small offices aren’t inviting to potential new employees and soon you won’t be able to hire anyone new and expand your business because nobody’s going to want to work for you. But, if you relocate to more spacious offices, new candidates are going to flock in sooner than you can imagine.

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