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Why E Cards Are A Great Promotional Business Tool?

A decade ago, businesses used to neglect greeting cards as they were merely considered as an expensive way to send out a promotional message. But today, companies consider it a disaster when they forget to greet their clients, customers and investors on important occasions.

However, traditional greeting cards have come under heavy criticism because they leave a carbon footprint in the process. This is because there are printing costs involved and when revisions are required at any point, it leads to wastage of paper. Furthermore, when a particular business sends out cards to multiple clients present in different locations, they are directly contributing to the traffic congestions on the road and fuel emissions sent.

Therefore, e cards for corporate greetings are being favoured over traditional cards as they are eco friendly in several ways. First of all, whenever design changes are needed, there is no need to use more paper and waste the previous one because all of the changes are made on the PC or tablet. Secondly, business electronic cards can be literally delivered to thousands of recipients with just a single click of a button.

Other reasons why eco-friendly corporate e cards are a great promotional tool include:

Businesses that adopt green practices are being preferred over companies that are not making any efforts. E cards are a great way to make your brand stand out and show that you care for the environment. The greetings are then going to translate into walking billboards of your company – the customers.

Businesses that try to go green are often eligible to get tax incentives from the government. While green electronic cards may not completely transform the business into a green one, sending them in the form of greetings can be a starting step in adding that green tag to your company and edge closer towards the tax incentives.

Environmental friendly business greeting cards will go a long way in acting as referrals because they are more likely to stay with the recipient than a traditional greeting card. This is because they do not take desk space or any other space for that matter, which reduces their chances of ending up in the trash bin. They will also be used by companies to find out business contact information in case that they lose contact details at any point in time.

Even custom designed e-cards are less expensive than their traditional counterparts. You therefore would not need to stress over allocating a lot of budget aside especially for sending greetings as you can express your gratitude while staying within your budget.

Greetings are a great way to preview or give a sneak peek on the new products and services that may be in your company’s future plans. This not only makes the customers, clients or investors believe they are closer to your business than anyone else; it will also increase chances of conversions and brand loyalty.

Do you use e cards? Feel free to comment.

About Author

Patricia is a corporate advisor and writes regularly on corporate communication and business issues for a range of websites and blogs. Find out more at Eco 2 Greetings.

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